The Simple Way to Prevent Material from Getting Blocked or Stuck
Simply attach these high-performance vibrators to hoppers, bins, or chutes to ensure that the material inside is delivered smoothly, without arching or getting blocked. Many models of two different structural types are available to precisely match operating conditions and the material being handled. SINFONIA TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. also offers vibrating packers that are ideal for canning and bottling operations.

V Series Vibrators
V-2B, V-4C, V-10A, V-20B, V-30C
An alternating, half-wave, pulsating current generates collisional electromagnetic oscillations which, in combination with the resonance of a leaf spring, produce powerful and effective vibrations. Appropriate for small to medium-sized hoppers, the V Series vibrators offer outstanding reliability and durability because they have no parts that are subject to wear. The V-20B and V-30C feature exclusive E-type moving core and CFRP leaf spring that combine the advantages of a compact size with strong vibrations. The V Series vibrators can be used in temperatures ranging from 60℃ to -15℃.

VG Series Rubber-Spring Vibrators
The VG Series vibrators have a highly resilient rubber spring, used in combination with a moving cast-metal core that is electromagnetically vibrated by means of an alternating, half-wave, pulsating current. Designed for medium-capacity hoppers, these compact, lightweight units are easy to install and highly energy-efficient, making them economical to operate. The durable rubber spring can easily withstand temperatures ranging from 60℃ to -15℃.

VP Series Vibrating Packers
VP-4D/15D, VP-30C, VGP-60/80
The VP Series vibrating packers are spring-mounted, table-top units that use vibration to quickly fill cans, bottles, and other containers with medicines, chemicals, and many other kinds of powdered materials. Efficient and reliable, they speed up the packing process and help to ensure that all containers are uniformly filled.


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